learn about our history

About Us


a group

This company are composed of service teams organized by leading companies in many industries. Let us focus on serving customers and exclude us from the industry’s production and operation functions without other interference.



Manufacturers are our cornerstone. this company convene the integration of R&D teams from multiple manufacturers to make us more professional and advanced.



The deep excavation of the market and the collision of multiple fields make us have professional insights and a keen sense of market smell.



A strong team composed of many professionals makes the project complete as expected in today’s era of rapid development.

“a friendship founded on business is a good deal better than a business founded on friendship.”

John D. Rockefeller

remember the past

Since 2016

CHAN ISSUE TRADE is a trading group composed of many powerful manufacturers.

The reason for this is that the customers of CHAN ISSUE LIMITED encountered various obstacles in communication, procedures and orders with Chinese manufacturers when purchasing other products.

Therefore, for the common interests of customers and everyone, this company have established a company specializing in international trade. Its members are composed of a number of manufacturers and jointly funded to create an international commercial headquarters.

communication is key

friendship founded on business

making a start

Communication is our beginning and the service method we have always relied on. The constant collision of thinking allows us to build a strong business empire among different exchanges in the world.

This company do not want to be your only supplier, it will to be the best of your suppliers only.

get to know each other

Mutual understanding is the first part of cooperation

understanding your demand

Let us fully understand your needs. Please take the trouble to elaborate on everything you want.

The solution

A detailed solution tailored to your project
Communication Skill
Client satisfaction

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

Even if you enter the industry for the first time, we will make you the TOP ONE in the industry.

what do you need?

we work hard
in all fields

From product research and development, design, packaging, marketing, sales channels, advertising advice, visual media and other aspects of business, this company can do it all for you!

industrial design

The winning team of Red Dot Design in Germany and Outstanding Youth Design in China.


The production standards of the UK, European Union, the United States, Australia and other countries.

quality control

Three inspection procedures: 1. After factory inspection, 2. Our inspection, 3. Third-party commissioned inspection

Marketing solutions

Different online and offline marketing suggestions.
"Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people. ”
Steve Jobs

All Services lists
here for you

Rich and valuable experience are shared with you

important things you should know

Questions And Answers

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Feel free to contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.